©Kyle Artist
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130 messages < Previous 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > Next
 Name: Graham Fox Location: Chester Submitted: March 31, 2012 20:19:42 Comments: Just relived a lot of Edwins songs as he was the featured artist on Dave Brown's Motown show on Smooth Radio. I was sure that Dave got it wrong about the date of Edwins passing, he said 1993? which was clearly 10 years out. As a 16 year old in 1970 Edwin had a massive influence on me and my music tastes, SOS stop her on sight got played countless times from the Motown Chartbusters Vol 3 album, but more than anything 25 Miles left a massive impression on me, especially after seeing him live in Chester in 1971, I was totally blown away by that show as it was only a small club 'Quaintways' and we were all stood on chairs in a semi circle quite close to the 'all on one level stage', fabulous night. More recently I have got back into scooters and soul and realise what a fantastic artist Edwin was, he did so much for soul fans and soul lovers in the UK as he spent most of his time over here. RIP Edwin you will always be missed and we will always keep the faith by playing and dancing to your wonderful songs.
 | Name: david bardsley Location: manchester Submitted: February 24, 2012 13:24:11 Comments: stop her on sight and headline news were two songs that as a 16 year old made me a life long fan of edwin starr. i saw him live twice and as far as soul music is concerned he was one of the best live acts i have ever seen. the opening to stop her on sight still sends a tingle down my spine. im just glad he was recognised for what he was . a truly great artist . love you edwin
 | Name: David Anderson Location: Watford Submitted: February 18, 2012 19:02:25 Comments: Just thinking of Edwin,in the week that whitney houston has passed, Edwin, you will always be here in my mind as a real gentleman, a real nice human being, you are a real legend, its been nine years since you have passed,but the memories you have left me and the inspiration you have given me in music will be with me forever, thanks Edwin for your interest in my music. rest in peace brother.
 | Name: JEAN DENTON Location: MUNCIE, IN Submitted: February 17, 2012 01:03:51 Comments: I have listened to Edwin since I was a teenager. What a beautiful voice that is sorely missed. I loved his music. Thanks so much for this page tribute to him. We his fans will never forget him. God'smGrace and Peace to his family.
 | Name: Rick McAfee Location: San Diego Ca Submitted: January 27, 2012 00:00:11 Comments: Frosty, what....up? Love to hear from you. Let's take a ride to Hollywood! contact me if you get this..rick@aqualcorp.com or mcafeeplace@hotmail.com..619-249-8784
 | Name: RONNIE CANADA Location: SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE Submitted: January 21, 2012 17:38:04 Comments: Happy 70TH. Birthday Edwin R.I.P.
 | Name: mary Location: shrewsbury Submitted: January 21, 2012 10:19:41 Comments: Happy birthday Edwin, It would have been a big one as well 70, I can remember when you were 60 and you said the age did not bother you as you were here and a lot of your friends had not made it. How I wish you were here for this one. love Mary xxx
 | Name: Paul Location: Worcester Submitted: October 27, 2011 14:28:52 Comments: Hi Man if you didant hear from me you would ask had I broken my finger and couldent dial your number.Well have you got no phones in Heavon?
Love from Paul Kari and Angelo
 | Name: amanda Location: london Submitted: September 29, 2011 20:26:30 Comments: hey daddie, only me i cant believe i was just reading through the guestbook and there i was writing to you when i was 21........its crazy im now 24. time has flown by so quickly, i wish u were here so u could share with me all the wonderful things i am doing rite now and to guide me. everytime i hear your voice it saddedns me taht i can never see u again, but makes my heart feel so warm that we have still got so much more of you to share. you have inspired me in so many ways. i hope i make you proud. you ar
 | Name: Frosty Hansen Location: California Submitted: September 20, 2011 03:31:23 Comments: I spent alot of time with Starrchild at Snow Bird Ski Resort in Utah - especially Rick McAfee. I would love to get in touch with Rick again. If anyone knows how to reach him, I would be greatful for the information or just tell him that I am trying to make contact.
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